Asset Component

Caches and delivers assets of every sort, from any location, with hands-off versioning. Manipulates images on-the-fly. Minifies and combines (on-demand) css and javascript files.

use BootPress\Asset\Component as Asset;

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public static bool|object cached ( string $dir [, array $glide ] )

Check if the current page is a cached asset you need to $page->send().

@param $dir

The folder you want to cache all your assets in.

@param $glide

Optional parameters to use when setting up the Glide Server Factory. The only ones we'll use are:

  • 'group_cache_in_folders' => Whether to group cached images in folders
  • 'watermarks' => Watermarks filesystem
  • 'driver' => Image driver (gd or imagick)
  • 'max_image_size' => Image size limit

Either false or a Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response for you to send.

use BootPress\Page\Component as Page;
use BootPress\Asset\Component as Asset;

$page = Page::html();
if ($asset = Asset::cached('assets')) {

public static string|array urls ( string|array $html )

Finds all the assets in your $html, and caches them.

You only need to use this if you are not $page->display()ing the html you want to send.


The $html with all of your asset links cached.

$json = array('<p>Content</p>');

public static object dispatch ( string $file [, string|array $options ] )

Prepares a Symfony Response for you to send.

@param $file

Either a file location, or the type of file you are sending eg. html, txt, less, scss, json, xml, rdf, rss, atom, js, css

@param $options

The string of data you want to send, or an array of options if $file is a location. The available options are:

  • (string) 'name' => Changes a downloadable asset's file name.
  • (int) 'expires' => The max_age (in seconds) to cache the file for. Defaults to 0 which indicates that it must be constantly revalidated.
  • (bool) 'xsendfile' => Whether or not the X-Sendfile-Type header should be trusted. Defaults to false.

If you are sending the content directly and want to cache it, then you can make this an array($content, 'expires' => ...).


A Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response for you to send.

$html = $page->display('<p>Content</p>');
$page->send(Asset::dispatch('html', $html));

public static string|array mime ( string|array $type )

Get the mime type(s) associated with a file extension.

@param $type

If this is a string then we'll give you the main mime type (for sending). If it's an array then we'll give you all of the mime types (for verifying).


The mime type(s).

echo Asset::mime('html'); // text/html

echo implode(', ', Asset::mime(array('html'))); // text/html, application/xhtml+xml, text/plain
Document Your Code

Asset::cached() is a one-stop method for all of your asset caching needs. This should be the first thing that you call. It checks to see if the page is looking for a cached asset. If it is, then it will return a response that you can $page->send(). If not, then just continue on your merry way. When you $page->display() your html, it will look for all of your assets, and convert them to cached urls.


Add the following to your composer.json file.

    "require ": {
        "bootpress/asset": "^1.0"

Example Usage


use BootPress\Page\Component as Page;
use BootPress\Asset\Component as Asset;

$page = Page::html();
if ($asset = Asset::cached('assets')) {

$html = $page->display('<p>Content</p>');
$page->send(Asset::dispatch('html', $html));